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Reading Room


"If windows are the eyes of a house, a door is its mouth. Windows are passive, doors are active. Through windows we glimpse what is and what happens, but when we pass through a doorway we encounter and most likely become involved in what lies beyond.

Doors remain closed to tell us of our rejection or of another's seclusion, doors open to welcome us or to engulf and imprison us, doors frame our farewells or joyful reunions or tearful reconciliations, doors slam like periods at the end of scenes of anger or frustration or bewilderment, doors beckon us to a haven when the world has become too demanding or wearying or threatening and enclose us in love and warmth and familiarity, guarding us solidly from peril and weather and the unknown. Yet doors admit surprises and delights, fresh air, new friends or long-lost lovers, good news, unexpected gifts, longed for responses, the quick kindness of neighbours, the regular brisk cheer of the mailman.

The frontier crossings between outside and inside, between social and personal, between public and private, between Them and Us, doors mark out our moments of truth, our points of contact, on their hinges swing our fates, through them we go from one passage of our lives to another, retreating, arriving, departing, returning..."

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