Cuán grato es sentirse escuchado, leído y valorado, en la misma esencia que somos todos, cada uno a su particular modo.



I love the morning dawn

As I leave the dream world,

Dog on leash

Into  a simmering black and white.

Objects stand out in their forms

Against the widening sky

One by one they make their appearance

From the formless night.

Engines send their pungent smells

Waking up the sleepy eyes.

Chirping birds leave their warm nests

To seek their daily ration.

Little by little the light turns on the colours

White sky flourishes into a light blue

Black trees mellow into brown and green.

Rainbow sky forecasts its promise

‘gainst the seeping cold of evaporating dew.

Pigeons cooing, the world is awakening

Announcing the brightness which is always there.


Silvia Munton

July 2014


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