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About Us


I graduated years ago (1984) from the University of Buenos Aires as a psychologist, took many post-graduate courses over the years; the latest studies were at the Transpersonal Centre in Buenos Aires directed by Virginia Gawel. Having become acquainted with the original feel e-learning system therein I learnt that communication through the Internet can become a warm, humane, deep, experience, which affects and stimulates a personal transformation process. I have henceforth developed written therapy as a tool for deeper understanding of oneself in the  hurried times in which we live. 

My holistic view of man and his universe has been enriched by different schools of thought in Psychology and Philosophy, as diverse as psychoanalysis, existentialism, the systems theory, personalism, cognitive and humanistic concepts, which all have appealed to me in their own way, although they all contradicted each other in many aspects for the access to truth. I have progressively become interested in oriental philosophy incorporating meditation to  daily life. Ken Wilber would be at present the author who in my view best synthesises all these different aspects of man in his writings on Integral Psychology. 

Here goes a summarized resumé:

Born in an anglo-argentine family in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires, Argentina and educated at Northlands School, I began my post-graduate practice with Professor Martínez Romero in the existential centre Sentido, Centro de Actualización Psicológica del Encuentro y la Comunicación,  attending children and accompanying old people. In 1989 our team  presented a research paper in the II World Congress on Logotherapy  held in Kansas, USA,  based on the results of the Logotest applied to a sample of upper class students in Buenos Aires. This test was created by Elisabeth Lukas, follower of Victor Frankl, to measure "purpose in life".

During the holidays I held a recreational centre for children for a few years.

I organized Vocational Guidance courses for teenagers in their last years at different schools holding group work-shops as well as individual counselling, 

At St. Michael's Church, Martínez, I worked in the Social Service offered to poor families, first coordinating the children's workshop, later offering psychological help to the mothers who attended the regular service program, and lastly helping the mothers to organize their own entrepreneurships with the aim of improving their economic situation. 

I worked for a time as a psychologist at the Children's Home in Colegio Santísima de la Luz belonging to the Catholic Church in San Isidro, at the Vicente Lopez Hospital and at a private institute in Villa Devoto. Also, at the Italian Hospital's Pediatric Mental Health Service,  applied computer skills  with mentally handicapped children and adolescents. 

At the same time I worked at different bilingual schools as a teacher and lastly as assistant to the Head, where I learnt and worked on various subjects such as Education in Values, Cooperative Learning, Learning through Service, Conflict Resolution, Mediation and Negotiation, Bullying, Leadership and School Management. I also engaged in Community Service, organized Health Talks and coordinated School Tutors. 

Very active in several sports in my youth, I was a member of the National Hockey Team, which led me to coordinate the Sports Department at St. Peter's School and learn Sports Psychology with Lic Elsa Grabin, tutor of residents of the National Centre for High Competition -CENARD.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my family (now comprising three grown-up daughters and two beautiful grand-children) and friends, to whom I have dedicated much of my energy and from whom I have obtained the motivation to continue evolving  both at a personal and professional level. At the end of the day: "love is all we need". 


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